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Are you 100% confident and ready for your New York real estate exam? If you're like most real estate students, probably not. That's why we created PrepAgent! With expert-led webinars, engaging prep videos, interactive learning tools, and comprehensive practice exams, PrepAgent has helped over 300,000 students successfully prepare for both the state and national portions of the real estate exam.
Try PrepAgent for as little as a week and use it until you feel ready to ace the exam.
The New York salesperson licensing exam covers both national and state-specific topics you learned throughout the 77-hour pre-license course. (Some states break out the real estate licensing exam into two tests: a state portion and a national portion, but New York does not.)
The test will contain 75 questions and have a maximum time limit of 1.5 hours. To pass, you must answer correctly at least 70% of the questions.
Along with all of the resources our exam prep offers, You can try your hand at unlimited practice exams that feature New York material only.
Here’s a sampling of the state-specific topics we will help you practice for:
New York State Board of Real Estate - purpose and guidelines
New York State licensing law
Standards of conduct/prohibited practices
Agency and brokerage
New York environmental laws
Special topics
And for test prep on national topics, here’s some of what we’ll cover:
Real property characteristics, legal descriptions, and property use
Forms of ownership, transfer, and recording of title
Property value and appraisal
Real estate contracts and agency
Real estate practice
Property disclosures and environmental issues
Financing and settlement
Real estate math calculations
Passing your New York real estate exam is a major milestone on your journey to becoming a licensed real estate agent. The New York real estate exam prep resources available through PrepAgent are designed to equip you with the knowledge, confidence, and test-taking strategies you need to excel. Don't leave your exam results to chance - invest in exam prep and set yourself up for a successful career in real estate!
Passing the state exam is the final step in your path to becoming a real estate agent. Get test prep tips and insights delivered to your inbox!