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The state portion of the North Carolina real estate exam covers the state-specific material you learned in your pre-licensing course. It consists of 60 questions, and you have two hours to complete it. It takes a weighted score of 75% to pass.
The state portion of the exam is broken out by NCREC into eight topic areas:
Brokerage practice
Other NC laws
Our test prep has North Carolina-specific practice questions in each of these categories to help ensure you’re ready for the state exam. You can review our free study guide and take unlimited practice tests, including one designed by a North Carolina subject matter expert specifically for the state portion of the exam.
The national portion of the North Carolina real estate exam is 80 questions, and you have two-and-a-half hours to complete it. A weighted score of 75% is passing. On your first attempt at the state licensing exam, you’ll take the state and national portions one after the other, though if you pass one and fail the other, you can take only the one you failed (for as long as you are still test-eligible).
NCREC breaks the national topics into eight categories as well:
Real property
Contracts and agency
Real estate practice
Property disclosures
Real estate math
All of these topics can also be found in our big banks of practice test questions. You’ll also have access to test prep webinars, flashcards, tutoring, and more.