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Real Estate Career Quiz

Looking to see what real estate careers suit your personality? Take the quiz to find out what career path in real estate best fits you! Let Aceable help you ace your real estate licensing exam and get you started on your real estate journey today!

So Many Questions

Here’s the thing. Not only will our fast and fun quiz give you a feel as to how well your personality, work style, and life goals match up with a career in real estate, but it will serve as a practice run for questions to come.

What do we mean by that?

Many nationally known real estate franchises rely on online personality tests in their recruitment efforts, including Keller Williams, Century 21, and Berkshire Hathaway. The same is true for some of the larger brokerages you’re liable to connect with.

So, while we might not be able answer the question, “Which Friends character are you?,” our Real Estate Career Quiz should shed some light on your compatibility with a possible real estate career path.


Question 1:

Which of the following best describes you:

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Interpreting Your Score

If you were an even blend of all four styles, you would score a 25% for each color. A higher percentage for any one color is an indicator of a primary behavior style.

Please understand that with a short quiz like this, each answer carries a lot of weight. A more scientifically rigorous test would contain many more questions and take much longer to complete. We didn’t want to put you through that, but felt like this would be enough to get you thinking about how your personality style matches up to a career in real estate.

And the Best Style is

The truth is no one behavioral style is an absolute indicator of success in real estate — or any other career, for that matter. While some styles might be more prevalent than others, a determined individual of any style will be successful.

That disclaimer aside, many experienced industry leaders say that the red and yellow behavioral styles are often found in those who excel in the traditional real estate agent role.

Their competitive and outgoing personalities mesh well with a people-oriented career where personal earnings are largely self-determined.

Those found with green and purple styles can also excel in these roles but might find they need to operate outside of their comfort zones on occasion to do so.

Say No to Mini-Me

Smart brokers will not look for personality clones of themselves nor for one, single behavioral type. Instead, they will understand the importance of a well-rounded team and one that reflects the needs of the clients their brokerage has strategically chosen to focus on.

A License to Prosper

Another thing to consider before deciding whether or not your personality type is a good match for a career in this industry is to realize that a real estate license is a passport to a variety of career paths, each requiring a slightly different skill set, personality, and temperament.

In other words, even if you do not see yourself as the stereotypical, gladhanding residential agent, you might feel completely at home in any one of these other roles:

Property Manager


A property manager’s duties go well beyond selling prospective tenants on the property. They screen tenants, set and collect rent, manage budgets, and oversee the repair and maintenance of the property. They are caretakers of the property owner’s investment. The skill sets of the “green” and “purple” behavioral types that bring precision, analytics, and stability to the job are every bit as critical as the sales personality type would be for this particular position.

Leasing Consultant


As rental property specialists, leasing consultants represent the interests of property owners (or the property management companies) they work for. There is, in fact, a sales component to the job in their efforts to negotiate rental agreements with prospective tenants. But their on-going responsibilities also entail responding to questions and requests from existing residents and helping with the maintenance of the property. Skills required include management, problem-solving, customer service, math, recordkeeping, etc. Sounds like a blend of all four personality types, right?

Commercial Real Estate Agent


Is there a difference between a residential real estate agent and a commercial real estate agent? Most industry experts would say so. Commercial real estate agents need to have a strong math and analytical orientation, understanding business concepts like net operating income, profit and loss, return on investment, cap rates, etc. A temperament of persistence and patience might be of greater need for a commercial agent as compared to a residential real estate agent, given that residential transactions can close within a month’s time whereas commercial real estate deals can take up to a year or more to consumate. The commercial real estate agent also works a more typical 9 to 5 business hour day and operates out of a more formal commercial real estate brokerage office environment. Bottom line: The “red” and “yellow” gregarious sales-oriented personality types are fine for this position, but only if they have a healthy dose of “green” and “purple” behavioral traits as well.

Commercial Leasing Manager


A commercial leasing manager is responsible for all functions involving the leasing of commercial properties. This will include overseeing and negotiating commercial lease agreements, accurately completing a substantial amount of related paperwork, and providing the highest level of customer service that commercial lease clients expect. The ability to perform market research, develop pricing strategies, and work with outside counsel, vendors, and subcontractors are but a few of the duties that fall to the commercial leasing manager. The complexity of commercial real estate, coupled with the ability to maintain ongoing relationships and responsibilities, requires a highly professional, detailed, and steady manner. Sounds very much like those of the “green” and “purple” personality types.

Residential and Commercial Appraisers


While there are no sales duties in the job description of a residential or commercial real estate appraiser position, interaction with others and customer service skills are still required. Just as important, if not more so, is an aptitude for math, analytics, organization, problem-solving, and time management. While the outgoing and sometimes hard-charging “red” and “yellow” types might not get much of a rush out of this position, the “green” or “purple” personality type could feel quite at home in the appraiser role.

Real Estate Investor


Real estate investors buy, sell, or maintain properties for profit. They need to have the ability to analyze the true value of a property, understanding the impact of demographics, taxes, zoning, regulations, etc. A strong business and finance acumen is needed as is an abundance of professional communication skills. While there is a sales aspect to all of this, it differs from residential real estate. The parties involved are more inclined to respond to cold, hard, analytical judgements about the profit potential of a property rather than attach any personal emotion to the buying decision. It’s an investment, not their home. Therefore, a personality type with an analytical approach to sales might fare better here than they would in the world of residential real estate. We’re looking at you, “green” personality types!

Foreclosure Specialist


A real estate professional that specializes in foreclosures can take on a variety of responsibilities, from assisting distressed homeowners with restructuring their loans to advising investors in the purchase of foreclosed properties. Attention to detail and the ability to accurately handle the mountain of paperwork that accompanies foreclosure properties is critical. That’s true whether it’s helping the homeowner fulfill their obligations or developing an investment property analysis for a client. Although foreclosure sales are often residential sales, the principals involved may include lending officials and investor types as well as typical home buyers and sellers. The added stress and complexity surrounding these transactions requires a heightened ability to empathize with the parties involved. Therefore, those with a helping, supportive nature might flourish in this role. And those with meticulous attention to detail will be appreciated by the lenders involved. Consequently, those with the “green” and “purple” personality styles might do well to consider this career path.

Well, there you have it. If you’re ready to learn more about a career in real estate, we’ve got you covered!

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