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What Courses are Required for a Colorado Real Estate License?

Quick Answer: In Colorado, you have to take a 168-hour course to get your real estate license. This course includes real estate law and practice, Colorado contracts and regulations, trust accounts and recordkeeping, current legal issues, real estate closings, and practice applications.

You are interested in becoming a Colorado real estate salesperson, but you’re unsure of what it takes to get a license. If that sounds familiar, then we have the information you need. One of the first steps to getting a Colorado real estate license is meeting the education requirements.

There are up to six real estate courses that have to be taken to get a license. You can take the courses at a college, but luckily a college degree isn’t required. Let’s figure out how many courses you need to take.

Colorado Real Estate Courses for First-Time Licensees

The vast majority of applicants have never been a real estate agent/associate broker before. These applicants will have to take 168 hours of education before they can apply for a real estate license in Colorado. The goal is to ensure you understand the legalities of facilitating a real estate deal and can provide clients with sound guidance.

The required courses for a new licensee are:

  • Real estate law and practice - 48 hours
  • Colorado contracts and regulations - 48 hours
  • Trust accounts and recordkeeping - 8 hours
  • Current legal issues - 8 hours
  • Real estate closings - 24 hours
  • Practical applications - 32 hours

It sounds like a heavy workload, but with our online Colorado real estate courses you can take it one hour at a time whenever works best for your schedule. Rest assured all the time and effort will pay off when you take the licensing exam. But before you can schedule the exam you’ll need to pass the courses and get a Certificate of Completion (Form REC-33) that proves you meet the education criteria for a license.

Substituting College Classes for Real Estate Courses

Did you attend college and major in real estate? Great! That means you are exempt from taking the required real estate courses so long as you attended an accredited college or university.

Applicants that meet the higher education criteria will need to provide an official copy of their transcripts to verify the information before they can apply. Only have an unofficial transcript? That may be acceptable, but you’ll have to submit it for review before you can take the Colorado Real Estate Broker’s Exam.

Ready To Start The Colorado Pre-Licencing Course?

Take the first step in your Colorado real estate career and take our online pre-licensing course!

Are Courses Required If I Already Have a Real Estate License in Another State?

Great question! An exemption from education requirements for those who already have a real estate license in another jurisdiction is known as reciprocity. Some states have it and others don’t. There are also different reciprocity rules and regulations for each state.

Fortunately, Colorado does have reciprocity for applicants that have been licensed for 2+ years (active or inactive) and are in good standing with the state licensing department. If that sounds like your situation, then you don’t have to worry about taking the required real estate courses, and you’ll only have to pass the state portion of the Colorado Real Estate Broker’s Exam.

But before you can take advantage of reciprocity you have to get a certified license history that includes any disciplinary action to verify your licensure and status.

I Had a Real Estate License in Another State for Less Than Two Years. What Are the Education Requirements?

Since you’re still pretty green in the real estate industry, the GREC requires more education than agents with 2+ years of experience. But they do give you a break by eliminating one of the mandatory courses. Agents licensed in another state for less than two years must take:

  • Real estate law and practice - 48 hours
  • Colorado contracts and regulations - 48 hours
  • Trust, accounts and recordkeeping - 8 hours
  • Current legal issues - 8 hours
  • Real estate closings - 24 hours
  • Practical applications - 32 hours

If you add it up that’s a total of 120 hours. It’s still a commitment, but it’s about 30% less work compared to applicants who are not licensed at all.

I Had a Real Estate License in Another State but It Expired. What Are the Education Requirements?

Applicants who have an expired real estate license from another state are in the same boat as agents who have had a license for less than two years. You’ll have to take the same 120-hour series of courses (see above). You’ll also have to supply a certified license history to receive a real estate license in Colorado.

I’m a Licensed Lawyer. Do I Need to Take Real Estate Courses?

The Colorado Real Estate Commission understands that lawyers already have a lot of the contractural training needed to execute a real estate deal. But that doesn’t mean lawyers get a complete pass.

If you’re a licensed lawyer (in any state) you only have to take a 12-hour trust, accounts and recordkeeping course. Proof that you have a valid law license is also required to apply.

Aceable has every applicant covered with state-approved online real estate courses that can be taken on your desktop, laptop, tablet or phone. Sign up to take the first step towards your career as a Colorado real estate broker.