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What Is the Virginia DPOR?

Quick Answer: The Virginia DPOR is the state's Department of Persessional on Occupational Regulation. It oversees the licensing of professionals. It does include the Virginia Real Estate Board which is responsible for regulating the brokerage industry and licensing real estate practitioners.

As you begin the journey to getting your Virginia real estate license, you’ll see the acronym “Virginia DPOR” a lot. What does this mean, and why does it matter to you?

The Virginia DPOR: An Overview 

The Virginia DPOR is the state’s Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation. Specifically, the Virginia DPOR  is an executive branch agency under the Secretary of Commerce and Trade. It oversees the licensing of professionals and enforces laws regarding professional conduct in industries where the health, safety, or well-being of the public is at stake. Real estate is one of those industries! 

The Virginia DPOR is pretty substantial. It includes 19 boards that regulate more than 30 professions. For example, there is a Polygraph Examiners Board, a Cemetery Board, and a Barbers and Cosmetology Board. Every one of those regulatory boards within the Virginia DPOR is a separate board, but they have something in common: All administrative functions of each board are under the direction and supervision of the director of the Virginia DPOR.

The Virginia DPOR and the Virginia Real Estate Board (REB)

The Virginia DPOR board that concerns you is the Virginia Real Estate Board (REB), which is responsible for regulating the brokerage industry and licensing real estate practitioners. 

Law changes made by the Virginia General Assembly can affect the Real Estate Board. Still, although the Virginia General Assembly and the Virginia DPOR do plenty of important work, the Virginia Real Estate Board is the main regulatory body to concern yourself with. Their actions are directly relevant to Virginia real estate license holders.

If you are currently taking a course to get your Virginia real estate license, it is because the REB requires it!

REB’s Responsibilities

The REB administers the real estate license law relevant to brokers and salespersons in Virginia. The REB’s main responsibilities include:

  • Creating and enforcing standards of conduct for Virginia real estate license holders

  • Issuing Virginia real estate licenses and regulating the license renewal process

  • Investigating license violations and imposing sanctions

  • Regulating real estate schools that provide pre-license and/or continuing education courses (that includes Aceable!)

  • Administering the Virginia Real Estate Transaction Recovery Fund 

  • Enforcing the Virginia Fair Housing Law

  • Determining license fee amounts and distributing important notices to Virginia real estate license holders

REB’s Members

The REB is made up of nine members. Of these nine members, seven must be real estate license holders, and two must be consumers and members of the general public (NOT real estate licensees).

Virginia Real Estate Board

The Virginia DPOR and the Common Interest Community Board

Besides the REB, you should also know about another board within the Virginia DPOR: the Common Interest Community (CIC) Board. It's the CIC Board's job to license and regulate common interest community managers and the firms that provide management services.

CICs include any type of property in which ownership of common elements is shared across multiple owners, such as condos, co-ops, timeshares, and PUDs (planned unit developments). These communities need managers to keep everything running smoothly. 

If you’re interested in managing condos, co-ops, timeshares, or PUDs, you might consider getting a community manager license.

Want to Know More?

Once you get your Virginia real estate license, you’ll be working for a broker. Here are 6 Steps to Finding a Real Estate Broker in Virginia.

Leanna Petronella

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