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Looking Up Your Arizona Real Estate License with ADRE

If you need to look up the status of your Arizona real estate license or check the status of another real estate professional’s license, you can do so quickly and easily thanks to the Arizona Department of Real Estate’s (ADRE’s) online database. 

How Do I Look Up My Arizona Real Estate License?

Here’s how to find your license information online:

  1. Go to the ADRE Individual Search. There's no need to create an account or log in. Anyone can search the records at any time. 

  2. Use the “search by” fields to find the license you’re looking for. You can search by name, license number, or location. Or you can select “all fields” to do an advanced search using multiple fields. 

  3. Review the search results to find the licensee you were looking for.

That’s all there is to it!

What Information Can I Find Through the ADRE Individual Search?

From the search results screen, you can see the licensee’s name, license number, license status, employing brokerage, and city.

But when you click on the license number, you’ll have access to a lot more detail, including:

  • The original license issue date

  • The license expiration date

  • Industry work history

  • Continuing education courses taken in the last two periods

  • Any complaints against the licensee

  • Any disciplinary action taken against the licensee

What If My License Is Not Listed or Is Incorrect?

If you don’t see your license listed in the ADRE database, it’s most likely because your license hasn’t been processed by the department yet. All new licenses and license changes have to be manually processed by the department, so it can take three to five days for your new license to show up in the system. 

Similarly, if you believe your license status is inaccurate, it could simply be that the department is still processing the status change. For example, your license might show “inactive” if the department is in the process of assigning your license to your new employing broker, at which point the status will change to “active.”

If you still have concerns after the processing period, you can call the ADRE licensing division at 602-771-7700 to speak with a representative about your license. 

What If My License Is Expired?

Arizona real estate licenses need to be renewed every two years to avoid expiration. Once your license expires, you cannot legally practice real estate. If you want to resume your real estate activities, you need to renew your license. Luckily, there is a grace period that allows you to renew your license within one year of the expiration date.

To meet the ADRE late renewal requirements, you need to:

  • Complete your continuing education requirements

  • Pay the renewal fees

  • Submit the Disciplinary Actions Disclosure

  • Submit an Unlawful License Activity Statement Form 

  • Complete a Salesperson / Associate Broker Change Form 

What if My License Expired More than One Year Ago?

If your Arizona license expired over a year ago, the status is changed from “expired” to “terminated.” Once a license is terminated, you would need to apply for a new real estate license.

To apply for a new real estate license, you would follow the same process you used to get your license the first time:

  1. Complete your 90 hours of real estate education

  2. Register to take your real estate exam.

  3. Ace the exam.

  4. Complete your Contract Writing course

  5. Choose your broker and apply for your new AZ real estate license online

The Arizona real estate market is too hot for you to miss out on because of an issue with your license status. Enroll in your Arizona pre-license courses or continuing education today to take advantage of these market conditions

Need to Renew Your Real Estate License? Begin your Continuing Education Course today!

Get Started Now!

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