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What States Have Real Estate License Reciprocity With Pennsylvania?

Quick Answer: Since Pennsylvania is a partial reciprocity state, it has reciprocity agreements with only six states: Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, and New York.

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Some real estate agents or brokers work in more than one state. That can also mean studying for another licensing exam, which can take up valuable time. The good news is that some states have reciprocity agreements with other states. That means you may not need to take more classes in the reciprocal state.

If you’re considering a real estate license in Pennsylvania and also want to work in other states, it’s good to know which ones have reciprocity agreements with Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania's Six Reciprocal States

Pennsylvania is a partial reciprocity state. That means it has agreements with some, not all, states. Currently, the Pennsylvania Real Estate Commission (PREC) has mutual agreements with six states. They are:

  • Arkansas
  • Georgia
  • Louisiana
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • New York

These states all have standards and requirements like Pennsylvania. So, if you have a real estate license from one of these six states, you don’t need to take the PREC exam in Pennsylvania. But there’s a little more to it, depending if you’re a salesperson or broker.

States That Accept a Pennsylvania Real Estate License

There are several states that accept a Pennsylvania real estate license. So, with a valid Pennsylvania real estate license, you don’t have to take the full state licensing exam in these states. You can also avoid taking extra classes. These states include:

  • Alabama
  • Arkansas
  • Colorado
  • Louisiana
  • Maine
  • Maryland
  • Mississippi
  • Nebraska
  • New York
  • Virginia
  • West Virginia

Salesperson Reciprocity

If you are a salesperson from another state, there are three phases in the application process to consider. You should budget between four and six weeks to complete the entire process.

The first phase involves filing your application with the PREC. You may need up to two weeks to receive a response that says all paperwork is accurate.

The application requires proof of a background check. You also must have proof of education and the examination passed in your reciprocal state. If there are questions from the commission or there’s a need for more documents, you’ve entered phase two. You’ll want to budget another two to three weeks for getting more requested documents together and receiving a final response.

Once the commission confirms receipt of all documents, expect about a week before it makes a final decision on your license. To speed the process along, make sure you have an employing broker in Pennsylvania. Do not call state commissions for a pre-review of your application. If you’ve moved around, you will need background checks from every place you lived in the past five years. An FBI check can work in lieu of state checks.

Broker Reciprocity

If you’re a broker from one of the reciprocal states coming to Pennsylvania, you need to keep your principal place of business in your home state. Your application will go through a phase one initial determination of status. You might want to budget between three and four weeks for that first phase.

You should budget another two to three weeks if the commission requests more documents. Once the commission has received a complete application, you should get a final decision within a week.

The Benefits of Reciprocity Agreements

Reciprocity arrangements can streamline licensing. But you should still budget some extra time for the application process.

Are you ready to get your Pennsylvania real estate license? Aceable Agent has helped thousands of people start exciting new real estate careers. This is your first step towards a career in real estate. Start there, and if you see yourself working in other states, check for a reciprocity agreement. It could reduce the time it takes for you to get another license.