You don’t have to get an expensive college degree to become a real estate agent, but getting licensed does require education beyond high school. You’ll also have to take a few exams to prove that you know the basic principles of real estate as well as the related laws.
Exams That Have to be Passed to Get a Real Estate License
If you plan to get a real estate license you need to pass 2-3 exams at two different points in the process. The exams test your real estate knowledge, and everything you need to know is covered in your AceableAgent course.
Real Estate Course Final Exam
Most state real estate commissions require that license applicants not only take an educational course but also pass a final course exam. The final course exam helps ensure that students truly learn the course material rather than just sitting through the classes to meet the time requirement.
Final exams are closed book and timed. They can either be online or you may be required to take the final exam in-person on a computer. These are proctored exams, meaning that computer software is used to administer, monitor and score the tests.
Real Estate Licensing Exam
In the majority of states, the licensing exam is segmented into two portions: a state exam and a national exam. Most states score the portions of the test separately, which means it’s possible to pass one portion and fail the other. When that’s the case you’ll only need to retake the portion that wasn’t passed.
State Licensing Exam - The state portion is going to be specific to the state where you are obtaining a real estate license. Focus is mostly on local laws and regulations.
National Licensing Exam - The national portion includes questions about fair housing and other federal laws as well as the general practice of real estate.
State licensing exams are also proctored. Typically, the exam is administered by a third-party administrator, but some states, like California, administer the exams themselves.
Take Your Course Final Exam Online With AceableAgent and ProctorU!
Our goal is to make getting a real estate license as easy as possible. That’s why we teamed up with Examity to offer in-course finals! Now you don’t have to take the course final offline. With AceableAgent and ProctorU your course final exam can be completed online too.
Plus, AceableAgent in-course finals are always free of charge!
Here’s how it works:
Within your AceableAgent dashboard you will be able to schedule your exam
The link will take you to ProctourU’s website
Register for an account with ProctorU
Find your test and click “schedule.” You will then be able to select your appointment and confirm
Before test day, make sure you install ProctorU’s Guardian Browser. This Chrome-based browser is designed to ensure test security. During this time it also may benefit you to make sure you have a reliable internet connection.
On test day 15 minutes before your scheduled exam, open the guardian browser and sign into your Aceable course. When it's time to go (3-5 minutes before your test) open the final exam! Once you are in the final exam you can follow on-screen instructions.
In-course final exams are currently available with the following real estate courses:
California Real Estate Exams Overview
California Pre-Licensing Course Final Exam
Test Administration: Available Online Through Examity
Cost: Free
Passing Score: 60%
California State Licensing Exam
Test Administration: In-person at California Department of Real Estate (DRE) Exam Center
Cost: $60
Passing Score: 70%
Time: 3 hours
Number of Questions: 150 multiple choice questions
Georgia Real Estate Exams Overview
Georgia Pre-Licensing Course Final Exam
Test Administration: Available Online Through Examity
Cost: Free
Passing Score: 75%
Georgia State Licensing Exam
Test Administration: In-person at PSI location
Cost: $121
Passing Score: 70%
- State Portion - 110 minutes
- National Portion - 120 minutes
Number of Questions:
- State Portion - 52 multiple choice questions
- National Portion - 100 multiple choice questions
Texas Real Estate Exams Overview
Texas Pre-Licensing Course Final Exam
Test Administration: Available Online Through Examity
Cost: Free
Passing Score: 70%
Texas State Licensing Exam
Test Administration: In-person at a Pearson VUE testing center
Cost: $43
Passing Score:
- State Portion - 21 questions answered correctly
- National Portion - 56 questions answered correctly
- State Portion - 90 minutes
- National Portion - 150 minutes
Number of Questions:
- State Portion - 40 multiple choice questions
- National Portion - 85 multiple choice questions
Virginia Real Estate Exams Overview
Virginia Pre-Licensing Course Final Exam
Test Administration: Available Online Through Examity
Cost: Free
Passing Score: 75%
Virginia State Licensing Exam
Test Administration: In-person at PSI location
Cost: $60
Passing Score:
- State Portion - 30 questions answered correctly
- National Portion - 56 questions answered correctly
- State Portion - 45 minutes
- National Portion - 105 minutes
Number of Questions:
- State Portion - 40 multiple choice questions
- National Portion - 80 multiple choice questions