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Cost of Becoming an Arizona Real Estate Salesperson

Quick Answer: An Arizona real estate license typically ranges from $752 to $1302, with costs varying based on several factors, including your choice of real estate school.

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Embarking on any new career is an investment in the form of time, emotions, and finances. If you're considering a new career as an Arizona real estate agent, understanding the overall cost is essential so you don't encounter any unexpected expenses.

To become an Arizona real estate agent, prospective applicants who are at least 18 years of age can expect to pay $135 for the license alone. However, there are additional costs for those pursuing an Arizona real estate license.

The Costs of Getting an Arizona Real Estate License

Applicants looking to become a licensed Arizona real estate agent need to complete the following:

With all of this in mind, the total cost to become an Arizona real estate salesperson is at least $700. The breakdown of these costs is below.

Cost of Pre-Licensing Education

Cost: Approximately $400-600 (online course)

In Arizona, you must complete 90 hours of pre-licensing education in the classroom or online from an Arizona Department of Real Estate (ADRE)-approved real estate school. An online real estate education program may cost between $400–$600. A pre-licensing education certificate is required before taking the Arizona real estate exam. The pre-license education will help you gain all the knowledge you need to begin your new career as an Arizona real estate agent.

AceableAgent offers payment plans at checkout for your real estate license education. Through our partnerships with Klarna and Affirm, we are able to provide you with a few options for monthly payments that better suit your needs as you make this career change.

Cost to Take the Arizona Real Estate Licensing Exam

Cost (for first-time licensees): $135

After you meet the real estate education requirements, you can apply for the Arizona real estate licensing exam. The fee for an Arizona real estate salesperson license examination is $75, and the fee for a first-time license is an additional $60 (Original License Fee is $50; the Real Estate Recovery Fund Fee is $10).

The Arizona real estate exam has two parts: general real estate knowledge and Arizona-specific knowledge. An Arizona real estate salesperson is also required to take a six-hour continuing education contract writing course before getting their real estate license.

Cost to Obtain a Fingerprint Clearance Card

Cost: $67

To apply for an Arizona real estate salesperson license, applicants must submit an Arizona fingerprint clearance card. The Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) issues Fingerprint Clearance Cards (FCC).

Cost of Optional Fees

Cost: Ranges from $150–$500

There are several additional fees to help you succeed further in your career. Once you receive your Arizona Real Estate Salesperson license, you may consider earning the REALTOR designation. The cost of joining the National Association of REALTORS is $150. Also, a new Arizona real state salesperson may also want to join the Arizona Association of REALTORS. Joining either of these organizations provides you with huge networking opportunities and resources as you work on building your career.

Launching a new business also requires marketing and administrative expenses. Your broker will guide you on the marketing collateral you need to reach your target audience effectively, but business cards, marketing materials, and signage are starting points.

Start Getting Your Arizona Real Estate License With Aceable

While becoming an Arizona real estate salesperson requires an upfront investment, the payoff comes in financial gains, a flexible schedule, and uncapped income potential. The first step in launching a new career in real estate is by taking an online real estate course with Aceable.